
This week started off on a good note. It seems as we progress in the course, time just gets shorter and the activities becomes more tedious and challenging.
The reason why I havent posted anything yet is because I have been going thruogh the Adobe illustrator tutorials on The more I watch the more I want to learn and before I knew it the week is almost over and my brain seems to be saturated with so much info that I am afraid it may affect my work. I need to cool down for a bit.

….ahh! that helped. Now back to business, I did some research on the juice labels and packaging on the net(Google) and found a lot of interesting ideas and images that help inspire my scamps. I had so much ideas but had to keep within the limits of my skills(if I have any) in adobe illustrator and time. Maybe my scamps will give a visual representation of my idea of what the label will look like.

….so here are my scamps, I hope to intereprete it illustratively in the final out that I will post later.













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